Complete Portfolio

Drive-Away Dolls (2024) Review

I honestly can’t recall how I first learned of Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke’s lesbian comedy road movie Drive-Away Dolls; it was either in previews for something else I saw in theaters, or from Twitter fanfare after the trailer dropped. I just know that I made sure to pencil in a viewing on my first free afternoon at my local Regal Cinemas- and I am so glad that I did. This movie hit the same spot that Bottoms first struck a few m

TikTok Makes Me Feel Less Alone

I have a bad habit of doomscrolling on my phone or laptop anytime I feel emotionally dysregulated, which has been a lot lately. I tend to flip between TikTok, Instagram, and Reddit as my drugs of choice. My algorithm has curated a unique pseudo-community for me to browse when I feel sad about not having a genuine community of my own. The people on my feed are like me: young, queer, politically left-leaning, and deeply angry with the current state of the world. Like millions of others, the people

Please Wear a Mask

These days, I rarely go out in public besides going to the gym or buying groceries, and when I do venture out into these spaces, I am almost always the only person I see wearing a face mask. I wear a surgical mask every time I leave the house (and the mask is always black, because it goes with all my outfits). Even when I went to my nearest Kaiser Permanente facility to pick up my medications, the majority of patients around me were bare-faced, and in some harrowing instances, the medical profes

The Toxic Relationship Between Power and Strength in Heathers

The 1989 black comedy Heathers saturates the high school teen flick genre with sardonic themes of psychosocial macabre. Despite being a commercial flop at its release, the movie gained a cult following in the decades afterwards and remains beloved for depicting the turmoil of adolescence with piercing wit and humorous aplomb. It lobs commentary upon the typical high school movie themes: identity, relationships, hi